Active Drama Queen
Hi, I am
Aleš Gregor
This is a short BIO
Aleš had a colorful adolescence during which he was frequently surrounded by many interesting people — aunts and uncles, of various characters, usually in the jovial mood of reasonable drunkenness. This environment shaped his personality into a living legend that produces fun (sometimes even funny) on a daily basis and perhaps developed a sort of comedic talent in him and a taste for acting. And so, besides music, biomedical science, and IT product management, 10 years ago this boy finally found his way also into acting and theatre. He is currently part of two theater companies, The Drama Queens and Teatritis. It is said he is even working on a script for an excellent Oscar-winning film with himself in the lead role. However, he says he will never make this film because he would not be able to pay his own enormous acting fee.