For the purposes of these terms and conditions and for the purposes of selling acting courses through, inter alia, the online shop located at, Drama Queens means this company:

NAME: The Drama Queens, zs.

ID: 17082579

FORM: Spolek

ADDRESS: Zenklova 24/54, Libeň (Prague 8), 180 00 Prague

(hereinafter also referred to as the Supplier)

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the Customer shall mean the person who has ordered tuition from the Supplier in the acting course specified in the relevant Order and the Supplier who has confirmed the Order to the Customer.

The Supplier and the Client are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties.

Introductory clause

  • The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) form an integral part of the contract concluded between the Customer and the respective Supplier.
  • The contract between the Customer and the Supplier is formed on the basis of a written order (binding application) from the Customer or a binding e-mail order from the Supplier. Electronic mail and the Supplier’s electronic order form (hereinafter referred to as the order form) available via the website shall be deemed to be in writing.
  • The Supplier shall be obliged to acknowledge receipt of the Order in writing to the Customer within five working days of receipt of the Order. If the Supplier fails to do so, the order shall not be deemed to have been received. Confirmation of the order shall be deemed to include the sending of a confirmation e-mail to the address of the Customer.
  • The agreed terms and conditions of the contractual relationship may only be amended or cancelled by express agreement of both parties and on the basis of the terms and conditions set out in these General Terms and Conditions.

Subject of fulfilment

  • The object of the fulfilment is the teaching of acting in a course for the public announced by the Supplier for the relevant period on the basis of an order (hereinafter referred to as the course).

General Arrangements

  • The Supplier undertakes to comply with the published terms and conditions of the training, in particular with regard to the timing, scope of the training, price, quality of performance and lecturing. The terms and conditions are published on the Internet at in the list of courses. Further obligations of the supplier are specified in other clauses of these conditions.
  • The customer is obliged to accept the ordered tuition and to pay for it duly and on time.

Date and delivery of the course

  • The commencement of the course is specified in the current offer of courses on the Supplier’s website at
  • The Supplier reserves the right to postpone the start and end of the course by 1-2 weeks if this is necessary for technical reasons.
  • In the event that the course cannot be provided for serious reasons, the Supplier is entitled to choose an alternative method of providing the course. The client will be notified in advance.
  • The supplier reserves the right to cancel the course if the minimum capacity of the course is not met (minimum number of 4 students). The Supplier is obliged to inform the Client of this fact at least 3 working days before the start of the course. The Supplier is obliged to offer the Client an alternative solution (possibility to attend another course or refund of the course fee). In this case, the course fee is fully refundable.

Course fees

  • The price for the relevant course (hereinafter referred to as the course fee) is determined according to the price list of courses of the supplier published on the Internet at and is specified in the order of the customer (according to the specific specification of the course).
  • The course fee includes the relevant number of teaching blocks (according to the course specification), teaching materials, the use of aids and equipment in the testing room during the teaching.

Payment terms

  • The invoice is due within 7 calendar days; if the luncher considers an individual performance plan, it must be requested in writing.
  • The course fee can be paid by invoice or in cash by individual agreement.

Course Quality

  • The Supplier is obligedto provide a tutor for the course according to the specific specifications of the course. The supplier reserves the right to change the lecturer.
  • The Supplier is obliged to teach on the days and times specified.
  • The Supplier is obliged to teach at the level indicated in the course specification, taking into account the language level of the group at the tutor’s discretion.
  • The supplier is obliged to respect the maximum limit of 10 persons per course.


  • Suppose the client is dissatisfied with the quality of the instruction. In that case, he/she is obliged to inform the supplier of this fact in writing, e.g. by e-mail or via a complaint form available on request at the supplier’s premises and on the website (can be sent by e-mail).
  • A course complaint can only be made before the start of the course, which the Customer is aware of and agrees to. If the client still needs to complete any teaching blocks, the deadline for making a claim will not be extended. Liability claims are extinguished if they are made late.
  • The Supplier shall acknowledge receipt of the electronic claim form within 5 working days at the latest.
  • The Supplier reserves the right to examine the reasons for the complaint and, if it finds it justified, to propose a solution to the Client, e.g. in the form of a transfer to another course, transfer to individual tuition or saving the tuition fee for the next semester, or refunding the tuition fee to the Client – the choice of such a solution is always up to the Supplier (in all cases, it is a refund of an adequate part of the tuition fee, i.e. after deduction of the amount for the lessons or blocks already taken).
  • The Supplier, or an employee authorized by the Supplier, must decide on the claim immediately if possible or within 5 working days. In complex cases where it is necessary to verify the reasons for the complaint, e.g. by distributing satisfaction questionnaires to other course participants, consulting the lecturer concerned, etc., the supplier will decide within 4 weeks from the date of receipt of the complaint.
  • Obstacles on the part of the client will not be recognized as a relevant reason for the complaint. This is primarily a change in time availability or loss of reason for attending the course due to a change in the circumstances under which the client signed up.
  • The Supplier shall not be liable for failure to fulfill contractual obligations due to force majeure. The Customer is aware of its obligations under this paragraph of the GTC, agrees to them, and undertakes to comply with them.
  • The Customer shall not be entitled to a refund of the course fee in the event of obstacles arising on his/her part that prevent him/her from attending the course properly (e.g., a change in the Customer’s time availability or other circumstances under which he/she enrolled in the course). In this case, the Supplier shall not be entitled to a full course fee refund.
  • In the case of electronic enrolment in the course, the customer, if a consumer, has the right to withdraw from this contract without giving any reason within 14 days. This period starts from the day following the day on which the contract was concluded (i.e. the day following the day on which the customer sent his order to the supplier and the supplier confirmed the receipt of this order) and it is sufficient to comply with this period if the withdrawal is sent to the supplier before the expiry of this period. If the Customer withdraws from the Contract in accordance with the above conditions, the Supplier shall reimburse the Customer without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which the Supplier received the withdrawal from the Contract all payments received from the Customer in connection with this Contract in the same manner as such payments were received, unless the Parties agree otherwise.
  • The Customer must always send the request for a change of order as well as the withdrawal from the contract to the Customer in writing, i.e. by e-mail or by completing the online application form. A request for a change of order shall be deemed to have been received if the Supplier has acknowledged its receipt in writing. The Supplier undertakes to acknowledge receipt within 24 hours of receipt.
  • The Supplier reserves the right to refuse or additionally exclude from the course a Customer who violates the basic principles of civil coexistence or a Customer who is found to be objectively unable to cope with the course. In the event of an additional exclusion, the client is entitled to a refund of the course fee to the extent of the lessons not attended.

Customer’s personal data and GDPR

  • By sending or signing an order, the Customer, who is a natural person, makes his/her personal data available to the Supplier: name, surname, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address and telephone number and, in the case of natural persons, the business registration number. By signing or sending the order, the customer confirms that the personal data provided by him is accurate and true. If there is a subsequent change in the personal data, the customer is obliged to notify the supplier of this change within 7 days at the latest.
  • In the event that the customer is not also a participant and has ordered tuition for a third party or if the order is signed or sent by the legal representative of a participant who is under 18 years of age, the legal representative or the customer who has ordered tuition for a third party declares that he/she has the right to use the personal data of the participant and to provide it to the supplier and that the personal data provided is true. In the event that this declaration proves to be false, the Supplier has the right to claim damages from the person who signed or sent the order.
  • In this contractual relationship, the Supplier is the data controller and undertakes to handle the Customer’s personal data in accordance with applicable legislation, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”).
  • In accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, the Supplier is entitled to process the personal data provided for the purpose of concluding and performing the contract. Refusal to provide personal data will result in the contract not being concluded. Furthermore, the supplier is entitled to process the personal data provided in connection with the performance of the contract on the grounds of legitimate interest for the purpose of direct marketing, i.e. sending commercial communications from the supplier.
  • The Customer acknowledges that the processing of its personal data pursuant to the preceding paragraph does not require the Customer’s consent.
  • The Supplier confirms that it is aware that, in accordance with applicable legislation, the Customer has:
    • the right of access to personal data consisting in the right to obtain from the controller confirmation of whether it processes personal data concerning him/her and information on the purpose of processing, the category of personal data, the period of processing and other information pursuant to Article 15 GDPR, 
    • the right to rectification of inaccurate personal data pursuant to Article 16 GDPR,
    • the right to erasure of personal data if the purpose for which it was collected has ceased to exist or if the customer has withdrawn consent to the processing of personal data or if the personal data was collected unlawfully and for other reasons set out in Article 17 GDPR,
    • the right to restriction of processing on the grounds that the customer contests the accuracy of the personal data or objects to the processing and in other cases referred to in Article 18 GDPR,
    • the right to data portability, consisting in the right of the customer to obtain the personal data he has provided to the controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to transmit such data to another controller under the conditions set out in Article 20 of the GDPR,
    • the right to object to the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR; and
    • the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.
  • The Customer declares that he/she has been sufficiently informed of his/her rights regarding the protection of personal data
  • The Customer acknowledges that the Supplier may delegate the processing of the Customer’s personal data to a third party processor.
  • The Supplier undertakes to take measures to prevent unauthorised or accidental access to, alteration, destruction or loss of the Customer’s personal data, unauthorised transfers, other unauthorised processing or other misuse of the personal data, and undertakes to ensure that this is also the case with any processor of personal data that it entrusts with the processing.
  • The Supplier shall ensure, to the extent required by generally binding legal regulations, that its employees and other persons working with the Customer’s personal data are informed that such data must be stored and protected in accordance with the GDPR and not disclosed to third parties.
  • If necessary, the Customer is entitled to contact the Supplier’s Data Protection Officer at:
  • The processing of the customer’s personal data will take place for the duration of the contract concluded on the basis of the order. The Supplier undertakes to delete the processed personal data without undue delay after the end of the contract, but no later than within 1 month, except for the Supplier’s legitimate interest in the event of a dispute with the Customer.
  • The Supplier declares that the system where the personal data will be stored is located in the territory of the European Union and/or is under the protection of the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework and complies with the GDPR.

Final provisions

  • Unless these GTC or the agreements of the parties provide otherwise, the legal relations between the parties shall be governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended.
  • These Terms and Conditions are issued in accordance with the Civil Code and are valid and effective as of 1.10.2024